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Version: v1

Headless browser (Javascript Rendering)

How to use headless browser for web scraping

Headless browser (JS rendering) scraping

ScrapingAnt provides users with the ability to perform scraping using a browser.

This means that for every scraping request, a real browser will be opened with a web page. After the web page is fully loaded in the web browser, ScrapingAnt will extract the HTML content of the page, cookies and return them to the user.

This technology allows you to extract data from SPA (Single-Page Applications), sites using Ajax technology and any other dynamic web sites. Also, using a web browser allows you to bypass anti-scraping protections such as Cloudflare.

For enabling JS rendering, browser boolean parameter should be set to true (default value).


Scraping without JS rendering

ScrapingAnt also provides the ability to perform scraping without using a browser.

This approach allows you to extract data from static websites while bypassing rate limiting.

For disabling JS rendering, browser boolean parameter should be set to false.


Browser-specific parameters

Below you can find a list of the parameters that are only applicable to browser scraping:

  • js_snippet
  • wait_for_selector